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A limited stop service also operates on route X442 during the daytime between Staines Station and Heathrow
Mondays to Fridays | Saturdays | Sundays |
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Route record (places served and roads followed) |
442 Mondays to Fridays towards Heathrow Other direction Sat Sun
Staines, Bus Station 0320 0415 0500 0612 0729 0859 1015 1145 1315 1445 1525 1605 1730 1855 2010 2120 Staimes Station -- -- -- -- -- -- 1020 -- -- -- 1530 -- -- 1900 2014 2123 Ashford Hospital, Town Lane 0325 0420 0505 0618 0739 0910 1026 1156 1326 1456 1540 1620 1745 1908 2022 2130 Stanwell, Happy Landing 0327 0422 0507 0620 0741 0912 1028 1158 1328 1458 1542 1622 1747 1910 2024 2132 Explorer Avenue, Caledonia Road -- -- -- -- -- -- 1030 1200 1330 1500 -- -- -- -- -- -- Long Lane, Short Lane -- -- -- -- -- -- 1032 1202 1332 1502 -- -- -- -- -- -- Stanwell, Park Road/Selwood Gardens 0330 0425 0510 0623 0744 0916 1035 1205 1335 1505 1546 1626 1751 1913 2027 2135 Hithermoor Road, Whatmore Close -- -- -- -- -- -- 1040 1210 1340 1510 -- -- -- -- -- -- Stanwell Moor, Post Office 0334 0429 0514 0627 0748 0920 1042 1212 1342 1512 1551 1631 1756 1918 2032 2139 Heathrow Airport, Terminal 5 0340 0435 0520 0635 0756 0928 1050 1220 1350 1520 1600 1640 1805 1926 2039 2145
442 Mondays to Fridays towards Staines Other direction Sat Sun
Heathrow Airport, Terminal 5 0350 0535 0643 0805 0935 1005 1105 1235 1405 1525 1645 1815 1930 2045 2215 2300 Hithermoor Road, Whatmore Close -- -- -- -- 0941 -- 1111 1241 1411 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Stanwell Moor, Post Office 0355 0540 0649 0811 0943 -- 1113 1243 1413 1530 1651 1821 1935 2050 2220 2305 Stanwell, Park Road/Selwood Gardens 0359 0544 0654 0816 0947 1009 1117 1247 1417 1534 1655 1825 1939 2054 2224 2309 Long Lane, Short Lane -- -- -- -- 0950 -- 1120 1250 1420 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Explorer Avenue, Caledonia Road -- -- -- -- 0952 -- 1122 1252 1422 -- -- -- -- -- -- -- Stanwell, Happy Landing 0401 0546 0659 0821 0954 1013 1124 1254 1424 1538 1659 1830 1942 2057 2227 2312 Ashford Hospital, Entrance 0404 0549 0702 0824 0957 1016 1127 1257 1427 1541 1703 1833 1945 2100 2230 2315 Staines Station -- -- -- -- -- 1024 -- -- -- 1549 -- -- 1952 2107 2237 2322 Staines, Bus Station 0412 0557 0714 0839 1009 1029 1139 1309 1439 1553 1719 1843 1956 2110 2240 2325
442 Saturdays towards Heathrow Other direction Mon-Fri Sun
Staines, Bus Station 0320 0415 0500 0612 0729 0859 1015 1145 1315 1445 1605 1730 1855 2010 2120 Staines Station -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1900 2014 2123 Ashford Hospital, Town Lane 0325 0420 0505 0618 0739 0910 1026 1156 1326 1456 1616 1741 1908 2022 2130 Stanwell, Happy Landing 0327 0422 0507 0620 0741 0912 1028 1158 1328 1458 1618 1743 1910 2024 2132 Stanwell, Park Road/Selwood Gardens 0330 0425 0510 0623 0744 0916 1032 1202 1332 1502 1622 1747 1913 2027 2135 Stanwell Moor, Post Office 0334 0429 0514 0627 0748 0920 1036 1206 1336 1506 1626 1751 1917 2031 2138 Heathrow Airport, Terminal 5 0345 0435 0520 0634 0756 0928 1044 1214 1344 1514 1634 1759 1925 2038 2144
442 Saturdays towards Staines Other direction Mon-Fri Sun
Heathrow Airport, Terminal 5 0350 0535 0643 0805 0935 1105 1235 1405 1525 1645 1815 1930 2045 2215 2300 Stanwell Moor, Post Office 0355 0540 0648 0810 0940 1110 1240 1410 1530 1650 1820 1935 2050 2220 2305 Stanwell, Park Road/Selwood Gardens 0359 0544 0652 0814 0944 1114 1244 1414 1534 1654 1824 1939 2054 2224 2309 Stanwell, Happy Landing 0401 0546 0654 0817 0948 1118 1248 1418 1538 1658 1828 1942 2057 2227 2312 Ashford Hospital, Entrance 0404 0549 0657 0820 0951 1121 1251 1421 1541 1701 1831 1945 2100 2230 2315 Staines Station -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- -- 1952 2107 2237 2322 Staines, Bus Station 0412 0557 0706 0830 1002 1133 1303 1433 1553 1713 1841 2005 2110 2240 2325
442 Sundays towards Heathrow Other direction Mon-Fri Sat
Staines, Bus Station 0320 0415 0500 0612 0746 0859 1015 1145 1315 1445 1615 1730 1855 2010 2120 Staines Station -- -- -- -- 0750 0903 1020 1150 1320 1450 1620 1735 1900 2014 2123 Ashford Hospital, Town Lane 0325 0420 0505 0618 0757 0911 1029 1159 1329 1459 1619 1744 1908 2022 2130 Stanwell, Happy Landing 0327 0422 0507 0620 0759 0913 1031 1201 1331 1501 1631 1746 1910 2024 2132 Stanwell, Park Road/Selwood Gardens 0330 0425 0510 0623 0803 0917 1035 1205 1335 1505 1635 1750 1913 2027 2135 Stanwell Moor, Post Office 0334 0429 0514 0627 0807 0921 1039 1209 1339 1509 1639 1754 1917 2031 2138 Heathrow Airport, Terminal 5 0345 0435 0520 0635 0815 0929 1047 1217 1347 1517 1647 1802 1925 2038 2144
442 Sundays towards Staines Other direction Mon-Fri Sat
Heathrow Airport, Terminal 5 0350 0535 0710 0820 0935 1105 1235 1405 1525 1655 1815 1930 2045 2215 2300 Stanwell Moor, Post Office 0355 0540 0716 0826 0940 1110 1240 1410 1530 1700 1820 1935 2050 2220 2305 Stanwell, Park Road/Selwood Gardens 0359 0544 0720 0830 0944 1114 1244 1414 1534 1704 1824 1939 2054 2224 2309 Stanwell, Happy Landing 0401 0546 0723 0834 0948 1118 1248 1418 1538 1708 1828 1942 2057 2227 2312 Ashford Hospital, Entrance 0404 0549 0726 0837 0951 1121 1251 1421 1551 1711 1831 1945 2100 2230 2315 Staines Station -- -- 0734 0846 1001 1132 1302 1432 1602 1721 1839 1952 2107 2237 2322 Staines, Bus Station 0412 0557 0737 0850 1005 1137 1307 1437 1607 1725 1843 1956 2110 2240 2325
Please see the Christmas and New Year page for details of the general service pattern applying from year to year (some routes may show additional variations).
Operated by Carlone Buses. Note: Non-TfL service - different fares apply; Oyster and other TfL tickets may not be valid.
Timetable revised 10/08/19
Staines – Stanwell – Stanwell Moor – Heathrow
Staines Bus Station - South Street - High Street - London Road - Ashford Hospital - Town Lane - Clare Road - Stanwell
Clare Road - Hadrian Way - Explorer Avenue - Ravensbourne Avenue - Long Lane - Bedfont Road - High Street
(Monday to Friday shopping hours) or
Hadrian Way - St Mary's Crescent - Town Lane
(Monday to Friday peak hours and Saturdays) then
Park Road - Stanwell Moor Road - Airport Way - Spout Lane - Horton Road
Hithermoor Lane (east arm) - Hithermoor Lane (west arm) - Horton Road
(Monday to Friday shopping hours only) then
Stanwell Moor - Horton Road - Stanwell Moor Road - Southern Perimeter Road - Western Perimeter Road -
Terminal 5 Roundabout - Wayfarer Road - Wallis Road - Heathrow Terminal 5 Station
Most of the Sunday service, the evening service and two Mon-Fri daytime journeys double run at the junction of London Road and Kingston Road via
Kingston Road to serve Staines Station.
Heathrow – Stanwell Moor – Stanwell – Staines
Heathrow Terminal 5 Station - Wallis Road - Whittle Road - Western Perimeter Road - Southern Perimeter Road -
Airport Way - Spout Lane - Horton Road
Hithermoor Lane (east arm) - Hithermoor Lane (west arm) - Horton Road
(Monday to Friday shopping hours only) then
Stanwell Moor - Horton Road - Stanwell Moor Road (including double run to Airport Way roundabout) - Park Road
High Street - Bedfont Road - Long Lane - Ravensbourne Avenue - Explorer Avenue - Hadrian Way - Clare Road
(Monday to Friday shopping hours) or
Town Lane - St Mary's Crescent - Hadrian Way
(Monday to Friday peak hours and Saturdays) then
Stanwell - Clare Road - Town Lane - Elm Avenue - Ashford Hospital - Elm Avenue - Town Lane - London Road -
High Street - South Street - Staines Bus Station
Most of the Sunday service, the evening service and two Mon-Fri daytime journeys double run at the junction of London Road and Kingston Road via
Kingston Road to serve Staines Station.
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